
St. James the Less Catholic Church
Columbus, Ohio

Mass Times 


Religious Education

Upcoming Events

Prayer Intention of the Holy Father:

For Families in Crisis.

Click here to view The Pope Video

For more information about our school, please call (614) 268-3311 or click the button to the right.

Loving Christ, Loving Others

We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:

To proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed, and truth
About Us

The Missionaries of the Precious Blood ask for your prayers for the Missionaries serving in the Atlantic Province.

Mass Times

Saturday: English 4:30pm
SábadoEspañol 6:00pm 
Sunday: English 8:00am & 11:00am
DomingoEspañol 9:30am & 12:30pm

Daily Mass:
Tuesday - Friday 8:30am in the Church
Martes: Español 7:00pm
Holy Days/ Días de Guardar - 8:30am & 7:00pm
Martes: 6-7pm
Miercoles: 7-8pm (durante la hora santa)
Saturday: 3:15-4:15pm

Eucharist Adoration:
Wednesdays: 12:00-8:00pm (Holy Hour from 7-8pm)

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Upcoming Events

  • March 11: Friendship Club Luncheon

    Our first Friendship Luncheon (for members of our community 55 and older) for the year is Tuesday, March 11th! The luncheon starts at 11:30am and goes until 1:30pm. It is held in the Prish Ministry Center. We must have a reservation by Thursday, March 7, if you plan to attend. Please contact Mary at the Parish Office (614) 262-1179 to make your reservation. Hope to see you there!

  • March 12 - April 2: Men's Bible Study

    We will be studying the Acts of the Apostles in teh bible starting on March 12th and ending on April 2nd from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Ministry Center. We use the Little Rock Scripture Study materials. The format is discussion-based. If you are interested, contact Dave Frickey (614) 268-3828 by March 3rd.

  • March 5: Ash Wednesday

    Wednesday, March 5, is Ash Wednesday. We will have Mass at 8:30am with the school students, 5:30pm in English and 7:00pm in Spanish. Come and pray with us as we begin the season of Lent together!

  • April 5: Day of Recollection

    As part of our journey through Lent, we will be having a Day of Recollection here at St. James.  The Day of Recollection will take place in the Ministry Cener starting at 12:00pm with lunch. It will end around 4:00pm in time for the 4:30pm Mass. This Day of Recollection will be offered in English. We hope to see you there!

  • April 12: Day of Retreat

    As part of our journey through Lent, we will be having a day of Retreat here at St. James. This retreat will focus on various Lenten themes to help us prepare for Holy Week. This day of retreat will begin at 8:00am and will end in time for the 6:00pm Mass. This retreat will be offered in Spanish and will take place in the school. We hope to see you there!

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